The package mistral
provides some numerical methods for estimating the probability that a
computer code exceeds a given threshold when its input parameters are
random with a known distribution. In this vignette we give an overview
of the available methods as well as some practical testcases to clarify
both how to use them and what they do.
Given an input random vector X with known distribution and a real-valued function g standing for the computer code, the general problem addressed in this package is to estimate the quantity: p = P[g(X) > q] with p or q a given real:
By definition, we call the standard input space the case where X is a standard Gaussian
vector, ie. a vector with independent standard Gaussian coordinates.
All the stochastic methods are developed for a standard Gaussian
input space. In other words, when the problem at hand does not
use only independent standard Gaussian random variables, an
iso-probabilistic transformation has to be done before a call to the
code g
, often called the limit-state function
provides a way to perform such transformations
for model using correlated inputs with usual distributions. In the
following the original vector is denoted by X while its conterpart in
the standard space is denoted by U. The two functions
and mistral::XtoU
let go from
one representation to the other.
Let us detail the use of UtoX
(and similarly of
). The supported distributions are:
and P2=sdlog
help page)P1=min
(see *unif
help page)P1
and P2=scale
(see *weibull
help page)P1=shape
(see *gamma
help page)P1=shape1
(see *beta
help page)Let us define for instance a random vector X in 2d such that its coordinates are standard Gaussian:
distX1 <- list(type='Norm', MEAN=0.0, STD=1.0, P1=NULL, P2=NULL, NAME='X1')
distX2 <- list(type='Norm', MEAN=0.0, STD=1.0, P1=NULL, P2=NULL, NAME='X2')
input.margin <- list(distX1,distX2)
and correlated cor(X1, X2) = 0.5:
input.Rho <- matrix( c(1.0, 0.5,
0.5, 1.0),nrow=2)
input.R0 <- mistral::ModifCorrMatrix(input.Rho)
L0 <- t(chol(input.R0))
then the function UtoX
## [,1] [,2]
## [1,] 0.2083927 0.2083927
## [2,] 0.2137228 0.2137228
The function UtoX
works with vectors or matrices and
always returns a matrix. Eventually the limit-state function can be
defined by:
All the methods implemented in mistral
and presented in
this vignette require that lsf
be a function taking a
matrix as input and returning a vector as ouput. Indeed, in order to
allow for parallel computing, batches of points to be evaluated are
given as a matrix of column vectors. Hence, depending on the processing
capaiblities and/or the implementation, computation of the model g on the points X can be made a lot
Let us define an easy 2-dimensional function:
This function can be called onto a vector:
## [1] 3
or a matrix:
## [1] 3
However, one wants it to be able to address matrices with several columns representing different points:
## [1] 3
This obviously does not provide the expected result. There are indeed
several possibilities to make the example fit into our framework. In
this simple case, one has an analytical expression of the function. This
can arise when using the package for educational/illustrative purpose.
An easy way to fix that is then to redefine the function with
as a matrix:
## [1] 3 3
Note here that the function considers each column as
a single point. This is to be consistent with the default behaviour of
## [,1]
## [1,] 1
## [2,] 2
Now looking back at our function, one has:
## Error in x[1, ]: incorrect number of dimensions
The function returns an error because default R behaviour is to drop
the dimensions when selecting only one column. All together, a robust
way to define a function is to apply first as.matrix
## [1] 3
In general (practical) settings, no analytical expression is
available. Let us denote by myCode
the given computer code.
is supposed to be able to be called onto a vector.
Then the apply
function can be used:
When parallel computing is availble, it is then possible to make a
parallel calculation of a batch of points given as a matrix. Let us give
an example using the foreach
and iterators
packages (we recommand the user to read their very nice vignettes to get
started with the foreach
loop, which is useful not only for
parallel computing but also as a nice alternative to the
## Loading required package: foreach
Some methods implemented in mistral
allow for giving in
inputs already evaluated samples (from previous calculation for
instance). The formalism is always the following:
on these samples is given in
should be a matrix with nrow = dimension
and ncol = number of samples
so that
length(y) = ncol(X)
. Note that if y
missing, it will be calculated by the algorithm.
In the previous section we have shown how to use the
loop to define a well-suited function for using
parallel computation. Indeed, foreach
requires the
initilisation of a parallel backend to run effectively in
parallel. For instance, using the above code without further
initilisation will issue a Warning
## Warning: executing %dopar% sequentially: no parallel backend registered
## [1] 3
Basically, a parallel backend can be understood as a way of defining what parallel means for the (master) R session. The simplest, and not of great interest, backend is the sequential one:
This tells R that parallel means indeed usual sequential computation. However the interest of parallel computation is to run simultaneously several tasks.
With R, the management of these parallel tasks is let to the
task manager of the used computer. In other words, initialising
a parallel backend with R is only a easy way to launch several R
sessions and to make them communicate. This means that there is
no theoretical requirement for initialising a backend with a number of
parallel workers equal to the number of physical cores of the
machine. Eventually if more parallel tasks than real cores are
initialised, the management of the tasks is let to the native task
manager while if less workers are initialised, the foreach
loop distributes the computational load.
There are two main possible frameworks for parallel computing: OpenMP and MPI. Without digging to much into the details, OpenMP lets you use the several cores of one given computer (one shared memory) while MPI allows for using several computers connected with a bus.
Let us first focus on OpenMP. Depending on the OS of the workstation
(Windows or Mac/Linux), you can use either doSNOW
or doMC
SNOW (Simple Network of Workstations) is available for both Windows and
Unix OS. It requires to first create a cluster with base package
. This means that the subsequent R
sessions (slave sessions in parallel terminology) are created once for
all in the beginning. It is like opening several R sessions by hand:
looking at your task manager you will see as many R processes as the
size of the requested cluster.
# return the number of cores of the computer
n <- parallel::detectCores()
# default behaviour if n not specified explained in the help page
cl <- parallel::makeCluster(1)
# Control that everything is set properly
In the end, the cluster has to be closed with:
The other option for Unix OS is doMC
. The main
difference is that the cluster is made by forking the current
master session, ie. that the sub-sessions are a copy of the current
session, including all the variables defined in the
. It is easier to initialise and more robust
(SNOW can miss variable even though foreach
tries an
automatic export of the necessary ones):
Here there is no need to close the cluster because it is created
on-the-fly for each instance of the foreach
The initialisation of an MPI backend is rather similar to the one of a SNOW backend:
# instead of parallel::detectCores() to see the available number of MPI threads
cl <- doMPI::startMPIcluster()
and similarly in the end:
The interested reader is referred to the vignettes of the above mentionned packages for further explanations.
In this section, we describe the purely statistical methods
proposed in mistral
for uncertainty quantification. Indeed
the uncertainty quantification problem is twofold:
is it necessary to build a surrogate model?The statistical methods aim at solving the first issue, ie. at estiamting the probability when no analytical expression is found.
The crude Monte Caro method is based on the Strong Law of Large Numbers. Basically it makes an average of independent and identically distributed (iid) samples. A basic way to implement it could be:
X <- matrix(rnorm(2e5), nrow = 2) # generate 1e5 standard Gaussian samples
Y <- mistral::kiureghian(X) # evaluate to model to get 1e5 iid samples
q <- 0 # define the threshold
(p <- mean(Y<q)) # estimate P[g(X)<0]
## [1] 0.00302
The function mistral::MonteCarlo
is a wrap-up of this
simple algorithm. However, instead of specifying a given number of
samples, it works iteratively by adding N_batch
samples per
iteration until a target precision precision
on the
probability estimation is reached (usually a coefficient of variation of
5 or 10%) or N_max
samples have been simulated.
mc <- mistral::MonteCarlo(dimension = 2, lsf = mistral::kiureghian, N_max = 1e5, q = q,
# these first parameters are exactly the one used above
N_batch = 1e4) # define the batch size
## ========================================================================
## Beginning of Monte-Carlo algorithm
## ========================================================================
## ========================================================================
## End of Monte-Carlo algorithm
## ========================================================================
## - p = 0.00287
## - q = 0
## - 95% confidence intervalle : 0.002531665 < p < 0.003208335
## - cov = 0.05894337
## - Ncall = 1e+05
In this latter example, the target precision is not reached but the
algorithm stopped because of the limit given by N_max
. It
is possible to set N_max = Inf
mc <- mistral::MonteCarlo(dimension = 2, lsf = mistral::kiureghian, N_max = Inf, q = q,
N_batch = 1e4, # define the batch size
verbose = 1) # control the level of log messages
## ========================================================================
## Beginning of Monte-Carlo algorithm
## ========================================================================
## * cov = 0.1793267 > 0.05 and Inf remaining calls to the LSF
## * cov = 0.1346544 > 0.05 and Inf remaining calls to the LSF
## * cov = 0.1138142 > 0.05 and Inf remaining calls to the LSF
## * cov = 0.09746184 > 0.05 and Inf remaining calls to the LSF
## * cov = 0.08659559 > 0.05 and Inf remaining calls to the LSF
## * cov = 0.07846128 > 0.05 and Inf remaining calls to the LSF
## * cov = 0.07322608 > 0.05 and Inf remaining calls to the LSF
## * cov = 0.06810773 > 0.05 and Inf remaining calls to the LSF
## * cov = 0.06367048 > 0.05 and Inf remaining calls to the LSF
## * cov = 0.06066331 > 0.05 and Inf remaining calls to the LSF
## * cov = 0.0579475 > 0.05 and Inf remaining calls to the LSF
## * cov = 0.05600286 > 0.05 and Inf remaining calls to the LSF
## * cov = 0.05440282 > 0.05 and Inf remaining calls to the LSF
## * cov = 0.05177866 > 0.05 and Inf remaining calls to the LSF
## ========================================================================
## End of Monte-Carlo algorithm
## ========================================================================
## - p = 0.002686667
## - q = 0
## - 95% confidence intervalle : 0.002419362 < p < 0.002953972
## - cov = 0.04974659
## - Ncall = 150000
and total number of calls (simulated samples) is 1.5 × 105.
As for the base cdf functions p****
(pnorm, plnorm, punif...
) the statistical methods of
integrate a lower.tail
specifying which tail is to be estimated:
lower.tail = TRUE
means that one estimates P[g(X) < q]lower.tail = FALSE
means instead P[g(X) > q]For illustrative purpose it is also possible to plot the contour of
the limit-state function. All mistral
functions let draw
samples and contour with ggplot2
functions even though this
can be quite memory and time demanding:
mc <- mistral::MonteCarlo(dimension = 2, lsf = mistral::kiureghian, N_max = 1e4, q = q,
N_batch = 1e4, # define the batch size
plot = TRUE)
## ========================================================================
## Beginning of Monte-Carlo algorithm
## ========================================================================
## Warning: The dot-dot notation (`..level..`) was deprecated in ggplot2 3.4.0.
## ℹ Please use `after_stat(level)` instead.
## ℹ The deprecated feature was likely used in the mistral package.
## Please report the issue to the authors.
## This warning is displayed once every 8 hours.
## Call `lifecycle::last_lifecycle_warnings()` to see where this warning was
## generated.
## ========================================================================
## End of Monte-Carlo algorithm
## ========================================================================
## - p = 0.0034
## - q = 0
## - 95% confidence intervalle : 0.002235794 < p < 0.004564206
## - cov = 0.1712068
## - Ncall = 10000
The MonteCarlo
method also returns the empirical cdf of
the real-valued random variable Y = g(X)
(similarly to the base stats::ecdf
## Loading required package: ggplot2
As visible in the Monte Carlo method plot, this method is quite
inefficient because it samples a lot in the safety domain (the red
dots). To circumvent this limitation, the splitting method, also called
Subset Simulation and implemented as
works iteratively on the
threshold q. Instead of trying
to estimate directly P[g(X) < q]
it creates a sequence of intermediate thresholds (qi) such that
the conditional probabilities are not too small. Hence,
instead of simulating new iid N_batch
it resamples the
using Markov Chain drawing conditionally to be
greater than a threshold defined as the p_0
quantile of the previous batch.
ss <- mistral::SubsetSimulation(dimension = 2, lsf = mistral::kiureghian, q = 0,
N = 1e4,
plot = TRUE)
## ========================================================================
## Beginning of Subset Simulation algorithm
## ========================================================================
## - q_0 = 2.90449
## - P = 0.1
## - q_0 = 1.020113
## - P = 0.01
## - q_0 = 0
## - P = 0.003053
## ========================================================================
## End of Subset Simulation algorithm
## ========================================================================
## - p = 0.003053
## - q = 0
## - 95% confidence intervalle : 0.002778057 < p < 0.003327943
## - cov = 0.04502829
## - Ncall = 410000
Note here that the total number of calls Ncall
is much
bigger than 3 x N
. Indeed the conditional sampling with
Markov Chain drawing requires to retain only one over
thinning = 20
samples. In the end in this example it makes
a total of 104 + 2 × 20 × 104 = 410000.
As a matter of fact a naive Monte Carlo estimator with the same
computational budget (ie. 410000
samples) would have produced an estimator with a coefficient of
variation: $$
cov \approx \sqrt{\dfrac{1}{p \times 410000}} = 0.0282647
$$ As a rule of thumbs when the sought probability is greater
than 10−3 it is more
efficient to use a crude Monte Carlo method than a advanced
Splitting method1.
In the usual Subset Simulation method the cutoff probability for
defining the intermediate thresholds is set to p_0 = 0.1
Hence at a given iteration N
samples are generated
conditionally greater than this empirical quantile. However, it has been
shown that it is statistically optimal (total number of generated
samples against coefficient of variation of the final estimator) to
resample these N
particles according to
their own level. It means that instead of using the
N−sample (Yi)i = 1N = (g(Xi))i = 1N
to estimate a p_0
quantile for Y, each Xi is
resampled conditionally to be greater than Yi.
More precisely, the Moving Particle method aims at simulating independent and identically distributed (iid) realisations of a given random walk over the real-valued output Y = g(X). This random walk is defined as follows: Y0 = −∞ and Yn + 1 ∼ Y|Y > Yn In other words, each element is generated conditionally greater than the previous one. This random walk is a Poisson process and lets build true counterparts of the crude Monte Carlo estimators of a probability, of a quantile or of the cdf of Y.
Since the algorithm generates iid realisations of such a random walk,
it is especially suited for using with parallel computing. Hence the
code includes a foreach
loop and will directely benefit
from a parallel backend.
mp <- mistral::MP(dimension = 2, lsf = mistral::kiureghian, q = 0, N = 1e2)
## ========================================================================
## Beginning of MP algorithm
## ========================================================================
## ### PARALLEL PART ###
## * backend: doSEQ
## * N.batch = 1
## ========================================================================
## End of MP algorithm
## ========================================================================
## - p = 0.002478627
## - q = 0
## - 95% confidence intervalle : 0.001533577 < p < 0.004006054
## - Total number of calls = 12040
One can compare this result with the one got from
in terms of coefficient of variation
against total number of calls.
## [1] 1.154588
The MP
method not only returns an estimation of the
sought probability p but also
an empirical cdf of Y = g(X)
over the interval [q, ∞) (with
lower.tail = TRUE
, the complementary cdf over
(−∞, q] otherwise).
The empirical cdf is vectorized over q
returns a NA
when the value is not in the right interval.
It can also be used to estimate a quantile:
## ========================================================================
## Beginning of MP algorithm
## ========================================================================
## ===============================================
## ===============================================
## * Number of deterministic event per algorithm = 601
## ### PARALLEL PART ###
## * backend: doSEQ
## * N.batch = 1
## =====================================================
## =====================================================
## ### PARALLEL PART ###
## * backend: doSEQ
## * N.batch = 1
## ========================================================================
## End of MP algorithm
## ========================================================================
## - p = 0.002478627
## - q = 0.1682375
## - 95% confidence intervalle : NA < q < 0.5718475
## - Maximum number of moves/algorithm = 601
## - L_max = 0.1472429
## - Number of moves = 603
## - Targeted number of moves = 601
## - Total number of calls = 12140
This latter estimation also enables parallel computation but in a
2-step algorithm. The empirical cdf is estimated until the
farthest state reached by the iid random walks. Note also that
the condifence interval requires to run the algorithm a little bit
longer and thus is optional: default parameter
compute_confidence = FALSE
mp <- mistral::MP(dimension = 2, lsf = mistral::kiureghian, p = mp$p, N = 1e2,
compute_confidence = TRUE)
## ========================================================================
## Beginning of MP algorithm
## ========================================================================
## ===============================================
## ===============================================
## * Number of deterministic event per algorithm = 649
## ### PARALLEL PART ###
## * backend: doSEQ
## * N.batch = 1
## =====================================================
## =====================================================
## ### PARALLEL PART ###
## * backend: doSEQ
## * N.batch = 1
## ========================================================================
## End of MP algorithm
## ========================================================================
## - p = 0.002478627
## - q = 0.2993017
## - 95% confidence intervalle : -0.2322364 < q < 0.7535406
## - Maximum number of moves/algorithm = 649
## - L_max = -0.253402
## - Number of moves = 651
## - Targeted number of moves = 650
## - Total number of calls = 13100
Finally, the conditional sampling for the MP
method also
requires Markov Chain drawing and the same disclaimer as for the
applies: this method is really worth for
p ≤ 10−3.
In the previous section, we have shown some statistical tools to estimate probability, quantile and cdf with a given function g. However, these statistics still require a lot a calls to the model g. Thus it may be necessary to approximate it, ie. to learn it with some of its input-output couples (Xi, Yi)i.
In mistral
there are basically three types of metamodel
method replaces the
model g with a hyperplane
crossing the so-called Most Probable Failure Point. This point
is, in the standard space, the failing sample the closest to the
method and relies on the e1071::svm
and BMP
. Here the model g is replaced by a Gaussian
random process with known distribution. The regression is carried out
using the DiceKriging
package.A Support-Vector Machine is a surrogate model which aims at classifying the samples of the input space according to some labels attached on it. In our context the label is straightforward: failing or safety domain. From a bunch of input-outputs couples, it builds a frontier and lets classify any new sample X.
When talking about SVM, one often makes mention of the kernel trick. Indeed the SVM was initially build as a linear classifier, ie that it looked for an hyperplane separating the input space into two subspaces, each one being related to a given label. However this was far too constraining. The use of a kernel instead of the natural inner product lets build more complex non-linear classifiers.
## Loading required package: e1071
X <- data.frame(x1 = rnorm(100), x2 = rnorm(100))
Y <- rowSums(X^2)
(svm.model <- svm(X, (Y>1), type = "C-classification"))
## Call:
## svm.default(x = X, y = (Y > 1), type = "C-classification")
## Parameters:
## SVM-Type: C-classification
## SVM-Kernel: radial
## cost: 1
## Number of Support Vectors: 36
## 1
## Levels: FALSE TRUE
## [1] 5.052467
The interested reader is referred to the e1071::svm
vignette for more details about SVM.
Kriging refers to the case where the computer code g is seen as a specific realisation of a random process with known distribution.
In computer experiement, this random process is always supposed to be Gaussian. Furthermore, the parameters of the random process covariance are usually estimated with a plug-in approach: in a first step the model is fitted with some data (with Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Cross-Validation for instance). Then they are supposed to be known and thus the distribution of the process at any point x is Gaussian with known mean and variance.
These quantities are referred to as the kriging mean and the kriging variance. While the first one usually serves as a cheap surrogate model for g, the second one lets characterise the precision of the prediction. Especially Kriging interpolates the data: the kriging variance at known location is 0.
## Loading required package: DiceKriging
X <- data.frame(x1 = rnorm(100), x2 = rnorm(100))
Y <- rowSums(X^2)
km.model <- km(design = X, response = Y)
## optimisation start
## ------------------
## * estimation method : MLE
## * optimisation method : BFGS
## * analytical gradient : used
## * trend model : ~1
## * covariance model :
## - type : matern5_2
## - nugget : NO
## - parameters lower bounds : 1e-10 1e-10
## - parameters upper bounds : 9.465256 10.99783
## - best initial criterion value(s) : 449.7302
## N = 2, M = 5 machine precision = 2.22045e-16
## At X0, 0 variables are exactly at the bounds
## At iterate 0 f= -449.73 |proj g|= 2.2814
## At iterate 1 f = -465.99 |proj g|= 0
## iterations 1
## function evaluations 2
## segments explored during Cauchy searches 2
## BFGS updates skipped 0
## active bounds at final generalized Cauchy point 2
## norm of the final projected gradient 0
## final function value -465.993
## F = -465.993
## final value -465.993453
## converged
## [1] 0.2322885
## $mean
## [1] 0.232288
## $sd
## [1] 8.411903e-05
methodThe mistral::FORM
function always tries to estimate
P[g(X) < 0]
with X in the standard
space. As for statistical methods, mistral::UtoX
can be
used to transform the original limit-state function onto a suitable
Furthermore the limit-state function may have to be modified to fit the used framework: say for instance that one wants to estimate P[g(X) > q], then one should define:
function requires two parameters: a starting
point for the research of the Most Probable Failing Point
and a total number of calls N.calls
## [1] 0.001832186
The FORM method gives an analytical expression of the sought
probability replacing the true model g with the found hyperplane.
However, mistral::FORM
also implements an Importance
Sampling scheme. Instead of using this ready-made formula, it makes an
IS estimation with a Gaussian standard proposal distribution centred at
the MPFP.
form.IS <- mistral::FORM(dimension = 2, mistral::kiureghian, N.calls = 1000,
u.dep = c(0,0),
## Warning in u.dep %*% u.dep/2 - as.numeric(v.temp %*% u.dep): Recycling array of length 1 in array-vector arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## [1] 0.002080434
In this latter case, the variance and the confidence interval at 95% are given in output. Note however that the estimated variance may be far from the real one.
, for Metamodel-based Importance Sampling, is
another metamodelling technique using a surrogate model in addition to
an importance sampling scheme. Here, instead of using the input
distribution only re-centred at the MPFP, the optimal (zero-variance)
importance distribution is approximated with a Kriging-based surrogate
More precisely, recall that the optimal distibution is given by: $$ \pi(\mathbf{x}) = \dfrac{1_{g(\mathbf{x}) > q}}{P[g(\mathbf{X}) > q]} $$ the hard indicator function 1g(x) > q is replaced by its kriging counterpart: π̃(x) = P[ξ(x) > q] where ξ is the Gaussian process modelling the uncertainty on the computer code g. With the Gaussian hypothesis, its distribution is known.
The algorithm is then twofold: first the Gaussian process is
learnt, with means that input-output samples are calculated to
get a conditional distribution of the process. Then a usual Importance
Sampling scheme is run. The points added iteratively to the Design of
Experiments (DoE) are chosen by clustering samples generated into the
margin. When several calls to g can be made in parallel, several
points can then be added to the DoE simultaneously by chosing the number
of cluster K_alphaLOO
The enrichment step stops either when the stopping criterion is reached or when the total given nummber of samples is simulated. Then few other calls to g have to made for the Importance Sampling estimator.
metais <- mistral::MetaIS(dimension = 2, lsf = mistral::waarts, N = 3e5, K_alphaLOO = 5,
plot = TRUE)
## ========================================================================
## Beginning of Meta-IS algorithm
## ========================================================================
## ========================================================================
## STEP 1 : Adaptative construction of h the approximated optimal density
## ========================================================================
## ======================================================
## -------------
## -------------
## -------------
## -------------
## -------------
## -------------
## -------------
## =========================================================
## P_epsilon = 0.002091107
## cov_epsilon = 0.03916023
## ===============================================
## STEP 2 : Adaptative importance sampling scheme
## ===============================================
## alpha = 1.032013
## cov_alpha = 0.03807069
## ========================================================================
## End of Meta-IS algorithm
## ========================================================================
## - P_epsilon = 0.002091107
## - 95% conf. interv. on P_epsilon: 0.00192733 < p < 0.002319607
## - alpha = 1.032013
## - 95% conf. interv. on alpha: 0.9534342 < alpha < 1.110592
## - p = 0.00215805
## - 95% conf. interv. on p: 0.001922234 < p < 0.002393865
methodAKMCS, for Active learning using Kriging an Monte Carlo Simulation, is an other kriging-based approach. Instead of using the Gaussian process to define a Importance density, it uses the Kriging mean as a cheap surrogate for the computer code g in a crude Monte Carlo estimator.
The originality and the efficiency of the AKMCS
comes from the fact that it samples from the beginning
the Monte Carlo population and then focus on learning this
population instead of the whole input space. The learning step is then
an iterative search of the more uncertain points.
Note however that this discretisation makes the algorithm generating quite huge matrices and can lead to memory issues for extreme probabilities p ≤ 10 < −5.
## ========================================================================
## Beginning of AK-MCS algorithm
## ========================================================================
## =============================================
## =============================================
## ==================
## ==================
## Warning: Quick-TRANSfer stage steps exceeded maximum (= 15000000)
## - minimum value of the criterion = 1.827463 estimated in 1.774 sec. with 1 worker(s)
## Warning: `stat_contour()`: Zero contours were generated
## Warning in min(x): no non-missing arguments to min; returning Inf
## Warning in max(x): no non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf
## =======================
## =======================
## Warning: `stat_contour()`: Zero contours were generated
## Warning in min(x): no non-missing arguments to min; returning Inf
## Warning in max(x): no non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf
## - minimum value of the criterion = 0.0003619357 estimated in 1.659 sec. with 1 worker(s)
## - minimum value of the criterion = 0.03555361 estimated in 1.669 sec. with 1 worker(s)
## - minimum value of the criterion = 0.001704741 estimated in 1.879 sec. with 1 worker(s)
## - minimum value of the criterion = 0.000756393 estimated in 1.59 sec. with 1 worker(s)
## - minimum value of the criterion = 0.01000856 estimated in 1.894 sec. with 1 worker(s)
## - minimum value of the criterion = 0.00931514 estimated in 1.919 sec. with 1 worker(s)
## - minimum value of the criterion = 0.01526772 estimated in 1.698 sec. with 1 worker(s)
## - minimum value of the criterion = 0.02188216 estimated in 1.848 sec. with 1 worker(s)
## - minimum value of the criterion = 0.01051408 estimated in 1.941 sec. with 1 worker(s)
## - minimum value of the criterion = 0.03187292 estimated in 1.797 sec. with 1 worker(s)
## =====================================
## =====================================
## - p = 0.001155347
## - failure = 0
## - 95% confidence interval on Monte Carlo estimate: 0.001031303 < p < 0.00127939
## * cov = 0.05368243
## => cov too large ; this order of magnitude for the probability brings N = 345817
methodThe BMP
method is a Bayesian version of the previous
algorithm. Indeed, in this algorithm, the code g is considered as a Gaussian random
process ξ. Given a database of
input-ouput couples, it is possible to estimate probability, quantile
and moment of the augmented real-valued random variable Y = ξ(X):
For instance one can use the database created by the
method stored in the output akmcs
bmp <- mistral::BMP(dimension = 2, lsf = mistral::waarts, q = 0, N = 100,
N.iter = 0, X = akmcs$X, y = akmcs$y)
## ========================================================================
## Beginning of BMP algorithm
## ========================================================================
## * parallel backend registered: TRUE
## * parallel backend version: doSEQ
## - number of workers: 1
## ==============================================================
## BEGINNING : FIRST DoE given in inputs: 30 samples
## ==============================================================
## * 30 points added to the model in 0.038 sec
## - covtype = matern5_2
## - coef.cov = 1.750939 2.048811
## - coef.var = 0.9306676
## - coef.trend = 0
## ==================================================
## ENRICHMENT STEP: 0 samples to be added to the DoE
## ==================================================
## * Final Poisson process N = 100 generated in 1.876 sec with 1 workers
## ========================================================================
## End of BMP algorithm
## ========================================================================
## * Current alpha estimate = 0.001033887
## * Current cv estimate = 0.2621913
## * Current h estimate = 0.2224894
## * Current I estimate = 1.218696
## - alpha = 0.001033887
## - cv = 0.2621913
## - q = 0
## - 95% confidence intervalle : 0.0006119791 < alpha < 0.001746665
## - Total number of calls = 30
The method can also be used, as the other one, to learn the metamodel:
## ========================================================================
## Beginning of BMP algorithm
## ========================================================================
## * parallel backend registered: TRUE
## * parallel backend version: doSEQ
## - number of workers: 1
## ==============================================================
## BEGINNING : FIRST DoE with uniform design: 10 samples
## ==============================================================
## * 10 points added to the model in 0.019 sec
## - covtype = matern5_2
## - coef.cov = 1.078263 22.87789
## - coef.var = 1.22212
## - coef.trend = 4
## Warning: `stat_contour()`: Zero contours were generated
## Warning in min(x): no non-missing arguments to min; returning Inf
## Warning in max(x): no non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf
## ==================================================
## ENRICHMENT STEP: 2 samples to be added to the DoE
## ==================================================
## Remaining iter. : 2
## * Poisson process N = 100 generated in 0.607 sec with 1 workers
## * Current alpha estimate = 0.02284721
## * Current cv estimate = 0.1943946
## * Current h estimate = 0.9201994
## * Current I estimate = 2.485104
## * Evaluation of SUR criterion: integrated = TRUE, r = 1, approx = FALSE, approx.pnorm = FALSE, optim = discrete, N_ppp = 100
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## * SUR criterion: 476 points tested in 1.501 sec
## * Call the lsf on the proposed point(s)
## * Lsf evaluated in 0 sec
## * 1 points added to the model in 0.016 sec
## - covtype = matern5_2
## - coef.cov = 3.91606 3.593014
## - coef.var = 5.168893
## - coef.trend = 4
## Remaining iter. : 1
## * Poisson process N = 100 generated in 1.775 sec with 1 workers
## * Current alpha estimate = 2.093768e-05
## * Current cv estimate = 0.3282371
## * Current h estimate = 0.9535928
## * Current I estimate = 6.875749
## * Evaluation of SUR criterion: integrated = TRUE, r = 1, approx = FALSE, approx.pnorm = FALSE, optim = discrete, N_ppp = 100
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in colSums(chi_r^2) * Sigma_rr_inv: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## * SUR criterion: 1172 points tested in 14.43 sec
## * Call the lsf on the proposed point(s)
## * Lsf evaluated in 0 sec
## * 1 points added to the model in 0.017 sec
## - covtype = matern5_2
## - coef.cov = 4.190518 3.617876
## - coef.var = 4.989769
## - coef.trend = 4
## Warning: `stat_contour()`: Zero contours were generated
## Warning in min(x): no non-missing arguments to min; returning Inf
## Warning in max(x): no non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf
## * Final Poisson process N = 100 generated in 2.417 sec with 1 workers
## ========================================================================
## End of BMP algorithm
## ========================================================================
## * Current alpha estimate = 1.360509e-06
## * Current cv estimate = 0.3675276
## * Current h estimate = 0.9531182
## * Current I estimate = 8.205373
## - alpha = 1.360509e-06
## - cv = 0.3675276
## - q = -4
## - 95% confidence intervalle : 6.523357e-07 < alpha < 2.837474e-06
## - Total number of calls = 12
In this latter case, the learning step is driven with the
minimisation at each iteration of the integrated criterion I. This can be chosen with the
argument sur
. This integrated criterion is especially
interesting when the sought probability is extreme. In this context,
is a preferred alternative to S2MART
Note also that the estimation of quantities h and I can also be done in
and MetaIS
at each iteration with their
parameter sur=TRUE
(default is sur=FALSE
) to
monitor the learning of the Gaussian process and to compare the
different learning strategies.
In this vignette we wanted to present some of the methods implemented
in mistral
for reliability analysis. Precisely we focused
on methods designed to estimate a probability of the code exceeding a
given threshold.
In this setting, all the statistical and/or metamodel-based
algorithms have proven in some cases good efficiency, though some of
them are quite time consumming. In this context it should be remembered
that they are defined considering that the calls to the limit-state
functions are the only important parts while it can appear indeed that
all the side computations take indeed much more time. The
method should then be choosen accordingly. Especially in this vignette
some parameters are very low to save computational time on laptop and
should be increased for real experiments (see S2MART
Amongst all the strategies proposed in this package, the
Moving Particles
and Bayesian Moving Particles
are the only one not only focusing on the given threshold but delivering
an uncertainty quantification for the random output until this
threshold. This means that the output is not a given probability but an
estimation of the cdf of the unknown real-valued random
The interested reader is referred to the academic papers for a deeper understanding of the algorithms and to the package documentation for a comprehensive list of the involved parameters. ```
this rule depends on the thinning