sensitivity 1.30.1 (2024-08-28)
- fct johnsonshap() has been corrected and does work now,
with bootstrap, argument model=NULL and tell() usage
sensitivity 1.30.0 (2024-01-21)
- Nex fct EPtest
- New fct johnsonshap() (Warning: does not work yet)
sensitivity 1.29.0 (2023-08-31)
- New fct johnson()
- Bugs corrected in testHSIC.R concerning some functions' names
that have been renamed
sensitivity 1.28.1 (2023-03-19)
- Bug corrected in fct parameterSets()
- Bugs corrected about all the fcts issues (required by CRAN)
- Correction in the tell() fct of sensiHSIC() for direct call
sensitivity 1.28.0 (2022-09-29)
- New fct correlratio()
- Many bugs corrected in fct sensiHSIC()
- Many additional options added in fct sensiHSIC(), especially HSIC-ANOVA indices
- New fct testHSIC() for independence testing based on HSIC indices
- New benchmark added in "testmodels.R"
sensitivity 1.27.1 (2022-08-09)
- Adding the topic of 'interpretability of machine learning models'
in the description of the package
- emvd() fct and names have been changed to pmvd()
- Several bugs corrected in pme_knn()
- R requirements: Changes from 'class()' to 'inherits()' in several fcts
- Corrections in parameterSets(),
sensitivity 1.27.0 (2021-10-20)
- New fct pme_knn() for proportional marginal effects computation
- Addition of an example about visualiz. of perturbed law in PLI() fct
sensitivity 1.26.1 (2021-09-02)
- Simplification in shapleyBlockestimation.R and
parameter values changes in shapleyBlockestimation.Rd
- extract and ggplot functionalities added in shapleysobol_knn() fct
- new examples for nice visualizations (via plotCI() of plotrix package)
in fcts PLIquantile(), PLIsuperquantile(), PLIquantile_multivar()
and PLIsuperquantile_multivar()
sensitivity 1.26.0 (2021-07-09)
- New function shapleysobol_knn() which allows optimized and parallelized
computations of Shapley effects/Sobol' indices using the
nearest-neighbors method. This fct also replicates the same functionalities
than sobolshap_knn() that will be removed in a future package's version
- \donttest examples have been changed in the .Rd of several functions
in order to shorten their execution (because the tests are judged too long
by CRAN)
- Bug corrected in all PLIxxx() fcts:
- conditions (delta != 0) replaced by conditions (delta != mu),
mu being the input mean)
- pti=phi(lambda[K]) is not recomputed at each bootstrap iteration
(causing numerical instabilities)
- Bug corrected in PLIquantile_multivar() and PLIsuperquantile_multivar()
fcts (conditions "|" instead of "&")
- Correction in docs of PLIquantile_multivar() and
PLIsuperquantile_multivar() to precise that the delta are perturbed means
- In the fct shapleyPermrand(), the test about 'Multiserver queue model'
has been suppressed (unsolved bug in Xset)
sensitivity 1.25.0 (2021-03-20)
- New function PLIsuperquantile_multivar()
- Bootstrap added in PLIquantile_multivar()
- Bug corrected in weightTSA() (data structures)
- Change in lmg(): new \code{max.iter} argument to increase the maximum
number of iterative optimization step for logistic regression
- Change in emvd():
- new \code{max.iter} argument to increase the maximum number of
iterative optimization step for logistic regression
- new \code{tol} argument to detect spurious variables
- faster implementation
- recursive emvd computation can now be partially done in parallel
- Add an example with Gaussian inverse transforms in PLI() fct
sensitivity 1.24.1
- Bug for y format in lmg() and emvd(): allow dataframe
sensitivity 1.24.0 (2021-01-11)
- New function lmg() for LMG sensitivity indices
- New function emvd() for E-MVD sensitivity indices
- Package foreach is necessary (Imports)
sensitivity 1.23.1 (2020-12-08)
- Bug of tests of sensiHSIC()
- Bug in sobolshap_knn() (matrix option in argument U)
sensitivity 1.23.0 (2020-11-28)
- New function qosa() computing quantile-oriented sensitivity analysis
via the contrast-function formulation
- Corrections in sensiHSIC() for
- taking into account categorical inputs (and the choice of their
- taking into account multiple outputs when some are categorical
- Corrections in sobolshap_knn() for taking into account categorical
- Correction in bootstats() relative to the use of sobolrep() fct
sensitivity 1.22.2 (2020-10-25)
- Correction in PLIsuperquantile() for "bias=TRUE" & "type=VAR" case
- New toy function in testmodels(): Friedman function
- New argument 'varoutput' in delsa() in order to be able to
take the output variance as the empirical variance from the sample
- New argument 'randperm' in sobolshap_knn() in order to use or not
random permutations to estimate Shapley effects
sensitivity 1.22.1 (2020-08-07)
- Correction in sensiHSIC.R with test.method = "No" in order to
not perform the statistical tests
- Correction in nested.cpp
- Change of colors in shapleyBlockEstimation.Rd
sensitivity 1.22.0 (2020-07-18)
- New function shapleyBlockEstimation()
- New functionalities in sensiHSIC(): PCA, kernel for categorical
inputs and/or outputs, optimization of permutations numbers,
convergence plot for p-values, U-stat estimator for conditional HSIC
- Corrected plot with new fct plotMultOut() (for ubiquitous Sobol'
indices) in sobolMultOut() and associated sobolxxx() fcts
- New bootstrap process in PLIquantile() and PLIsuperquantile() via
the new argument bootsample
sensitivity 1.21.0 (2020-06-02)
- New function sobolshap_knn() (sensitivity analysis via
ranking / nearest neighbours)
- New functionalities in sensiHISIC(): aggregated HSIC
sensitivity 1.20.0 (2020-05-18)
- New functions sobolrep() (Sobol' indices estimation based on
replicated orthogonal arrays) and sobolrec() (Recursive estimation
of Sobol' indices), which use the new functions addelman_const(),
discrepancyCriteria_cplus() and maximin_cplus() (discrepancy and
maximin criteria using a C++ implementation)
- bootstrap implemented in sobolrank()
- New function shapleyLinearGaussian() which computes Shapley effects
for linear models with Gaussian inputs
- bug corrected in shapleySubsetMc() with the modified line:
cost=sum(apply(U,1,function(u) round(Ntot/choose(p,sum(u))/(p-1))))
sensitivity 1.19.0 (2020-04-29)
- New author Sebastien Da veiga
- New function sobolrank()
- Functions src() and pcc() adapted to work with logistic GLM model
(via the new argument logistic = TRUE)
- New argument 'title' in ggplot.shapleyPermRand and
- bug solved in shapleyPermEx() in order to compute the CI for the
full first order and independent total Sobol' indices
- New argument 'noise' to consider noisy observations in
sensitivity 1.18.1 (2020-04-07)
- New argument semi (= TRUE or FALSE) in function pcc() in order
to compute semi-partial correlation coefficient (SPCC)
- bug (caused by new R version 4.0.0) solved in:
- sobolmartinez.R, base.R, morris.R, morris_oat.R and simplex.R
(matrix objects now also inherit from class "array")
- sobolMultOut.Rd, testmodels.Rd and delsa.Rd (screen devices
x11() should not be used in examples)
sensitivity 1.18.0 (2020-03-13)
- New function: weightTSA.R in order to perform Target Sensitivity
Analysis by transforming the output sample using aspecific weight
- Improvements in sensiHSIC(): 1) for the parameters estimation via
the new argument crit.option, 2) for a sequential estimation of the
pvalue (independence test based on permutations), 3) new argument
target in order to perform Target Sensitivity Analysis
- New argument 'bias' in PLIsuperquantile(): "TRUE" gives the
previous computation; "FALSE" corrects this computation (the sample
points were not weighted by the likelihood ratio when computing the
perturbed superquantile)
sensitivity 1.17.1 (2020-02-14)
- bug (caused by new R version 4.0.0) solved in morris_oat.R
(matrix objects now also inherit from class "array")
- exception "multiIndex[inputIndex] == 0 & der" solved in
- example with given data in sensiHSIc()
sensitivity 1.17.0 (2019-12-20)
- New functions: squaredIntEstim.R and PoincareChaosSqCoef.R
(which allows to compute the squared coefficients in
generalized chaos via Poincare differential operators)
- Modification in PoincareOptimal.Rd concerning the
returned eigenvalues
sensitivity 1.16.3 (2019-12-05)
- Unresolved matrix/array classes related bug on R4.0.0 version
in morris.R, morris_oat.R, soboljansen.R, sobolmartinez.R
and sobolroalhs.R
Examples that do not work have been put in \donttest{} (these
examples work in practice)
- Resolved bug in plot.soboljansen() and plot.sobolmartinez
when dealing with matrice-type model outputs
- ylabel changed (from S to PLI) when plotting PLI examples
- legends precised (between full and independent Sobol' indices)
when plotting Shapley effects
sensitivity 1.16.2 (2019-10-09)
- New functionalities in sensiHSIC() function
(statistical tests of independence)
- Graph legends corrected in sensiHSIC(), sensiFdiv(), sb() and
sobolMultOut() functions
- Corrected bug in nodeggplot()
sensitivity 1.16.1 (2019-06-30)
- New function nodeggplot() (in order to ebautify the plots)
- ggplot functions for the following functions:
pcc, src, sensiFdiv, sensiHSIC, shapleyPermEx, shapleyPermrand,
sobol, sobol2002, sobol2007, sobolEff, soboljansen, sobolmara,
sobolmartinez, sobolMultOut, sobolowen, sobolroalhs, sobolroauc,
sobolsalt, sobolTIIlo, sobolTIIpf, soboltouati
- Functions sobolroalhs() and sobolSalt(): Modifications of
plot functions in order to have "XiXj" instead of "Xij""
- New output of function delsa(): Brute values of derivatives
- Test case corrected in pcc.Rd
sensitivity 1.16.0 (2019-05-25)
- Added functions for calculating Shapley indices from data:
- Added functions for calculating PLI: PLIsuperquantile() and
- In the 3 PLI functions related to quantiles:
- new arguments in order to have the PLI in percentage
- the result also contains the perturbed quantiles values
- bootstrap confidence intervals can be obtained
- Added the toy function
sensitivity 1.15.2 (2018-09-02)
- Added functions for Morris method for multidimensional outputs:
- Added the toy function
- Change the names of the fcts (dtnorm, ..., dtgumbel, ...) by
(dnorm.trunc, ...) (reverse dependency pb with ATmet package).
Export now the fcts, documentation entries in truncateddistrib.Rd
- Corrected bug: Replace \dontrun by \donttest in all Rd-files
- Corrected bug: package triangle is suggested and called in
- Function in sobolGPmethods.R and sobolpickfreeze.R have been
integrated in sobolGP.R
- Detected bug (not corrected) in tell.sobolGP()
Unused argument in km(), passed by eval(), update(), tell.sobolGP() ??)
=> comment in the example of sobolGP.Rd
sensitivity 1.15.1 (2018-07-28)
- Functions shapleyPermEx() corrected (confidence intervals)
sensitivity 1.15.0 (2017-09-23)
- Function "sobolCert.R" has been (temporarily) suppressed
(compilation bug unresolved)
- Function "support.R" has been changed by O. Roustant (new plotting
functionalities are available, as the function "scatterplot")
- Resolved bug about "sobolmartinez" method (now suppressed) in
the sobolMultOut() function
- sobolMultOut() now returns the functional Sobol' indices via
the attributes "Sfct" and "Tfct" of the output object
sensitivity 1.14.0 (2017-02-10)
- Added functions for calculating Shapley indices: shapleyPermEx()
and shapleyPermRand()
- Added function for calculating first order Sobol' indices via
smoothing technique: sobolSmthSpl()